Invasion games, American Revolution, True crime, Magic and more!

5-Boomer Friday

The latest from PE teacher and author

David Carney

Greetings PE Nation,

Happy December! I hope you've had time to recharge and renew over Thanksgiving break, and lots more over Christmas break coming soon. Remember to finish on a high note while keeping your standards up. Check out my new and older podcast episodes, including Ultimate Fish Ball, Blindfold Games, interviews and more!

Some of the things I share are PE related, and some are not, but they can be if you use your imagination and creativity. Or, if you need a break from all things education, here are a few gems.

I hope you enjoy!


1-Teaching Strategy

I love teaching tchoukball to my 4th and 5th graders. Every spring, my 5th grade has a sport education tchoukball tournament. It's an experience they never forget. As a lead-up to it, we play "ultimate". One of the variations is what I call "Ultimate Fish Ball". Listen to how it's played here.

2-Book I'm reading

I can't seem to get into fiction as I listen to books (but I try sometimes). I read/listen to a lot of nonfiction. If you're a history buff, or just want to know more about the American Revolution, Killing England by Bill O'Reilly is the one for you! it's in depth while not being too dry or technical. It's also a great reminder of what our founders did for our country. Read or take a listen!

3-Podcast to check out

I'm going to drop another true crime podcast in here this week. So far, there have been 6 seasons of CounterClock and I'm hooked! It's well produced and Delia, the host, does a nice job investigating and reporting. Some of it happened near where I live now in Florida. Give it a try!

4-Awesome Thing I've Seen

I'm a fan of anything magic! I'm not good at it, but I can appreciate magicians putting in the hours of work to master a trick. I found Ash Marlow on Instagram. He demonstrates the trick then shows you how to do it. Often, it would take years to learn some of these, but he breaks them down into manageable chunks. I'm feeling good about some of them! Check it out!

5-Question to ponder

What are some of your New Year's goals? Write them down and action steps to attain them in 2025!

If you'd like to share this or anything else about your PE program and would like to be a guest on the podcast, fill out the form below.

I hope you've enjoyed this 5-Boomer Friday. Let me know how I can make it more beneficial for you in the future.

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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Supersized Physed

I'm a educator, podcaster, and author who loves to talk about education, writing & storytelling, and personal development. Subscribe and join over 1,000+ newsletter readers every week!

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5-Boomer Friday The latest from PE Teacher and author David Carney Greetings PE Nation, Happy December! I hope you've had time to recharge and renew over Thanksgiving break, and lots more over Christmas break coming soon. Remember to finish on a high note while keeping your standards up. Check out my new and older podcast episodes, including Blindfold Games, Music Montages, Team Building Activities, interviews and more! Some of the things I share are PE related, and some are not, but they can...

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5-Boomer Friday The latest from PE Teacher and author David Carney Greetings PE Nation, Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you get time off with your family this holiday season. I want to start interviewing guests over these breaks, so make sure you sign up soon (link at the bottom). Check out my new and older podcast episodes, including Music Montages, Team Building Activities, Attention Grabbing Signals, interviews and more! Some of the things I share are PE related, and some are not, but they can...

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5-Boomer Friday The latest from PE Teacher and author David Carney Greetings PE Nation, I hope you're doing fantastic at school. We made it through Halloween with a lot of excitement and fun, and now it's time to get our Turkey Trot on! Be sure to check out my new and older podcast episodes, including Music Montages, Team Building Activities, Attention Grabbing Signals, interviews and more! Some of the things I share are PE related, and some are not, but they can be if you use your...